Channel: Alabama Chanin | Journal
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“A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of.” ― Nelson Mandela 

Celebrated every year on his birthday, Nelson Mandela International Day “celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world and the ability to make an impact.” In honor of Mandela’s 67 years of philanthropy, the UN invites everyone to spend 67 minutes of their time this Saturday, July 18th, volunteering and making “a small gesture in solidarity with humanity – one minute for every year of the South African leader’s public service.”  To make finding local (and global) volunteering opportunities easier, this week we share community service organizations as well as information on Nelson Mandela, his foundation, and Nelson Mandela International Day.  We’re inviting our team to have a paid 67 minutes to volunteer this week with the service organization of their choice. 

Nelson Mandela International Day 


Nelson Mandela Foundation 

“We resolve to move beyond words in the promotion of peaceful, just, inclusive and non‑discriminatory societies,” Nelson Mandela Peace Summit, 2018 

“20 Ways to Volunteer in Your Community Right Now” 

Find Volunteer Opportunities with The Corporation for National and Community Service 


Habitat for Humanity 

Peace Corps 

UN Volunteers 


In Alabama: Room in the Inn Shoals and Room at the Table 

@Alabama Chanin 

Alabama Chanin is committed to giving back to our community and beyond and celebrating the good work of those who inspire us. 

Explore products that benefit organizations that we believe in and help us support their missions. A portion of each purchase is donated to the affiliated cause. 

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